Conservation Priority Plan

Lake County Land Trust's Conservation Priority Plan
The Conservation Priority Plan summarizes the Lake County Land Trust’s efforts at identifying and ranking unique areas/ecosystems in Lake County, California, in order to guide our conservation efforts. The Land Trust provides conservation opportunities through the acquisition of, or establishment of conservation easements on unique properties potentially threatened with development or conversion to other land uses. To view our Conservation Priority Plan, please click the file below.
In 2017, we held two workshops attended by Land Trust board members and 23 experts in local land use and natural resources. As with the first Strategic Plan development, workshop participants were asked to prioritize areas and/or issues they believed, based on their familiarity and experience, most worthy of conservation in light of future threats from development and conversion. Information derived from these workshops resulted in designation of five areas around Clear Lake as the highest conservation priorities. These areas were the Clear Lake shoreline between Clear Lake State Park and south Lakeport (Big Valley Wetlands), the watersheds of Middle Creek and Scotts Creek, the Middle Creek Ecosystem Restoration/Rodman Slough area, Cache Creek/Knoxville connectivity, and areas around Guenoc. A total of 23 areas/ecosystems were identified at the workshops and are ranked as high, medium, or low conservation priority in this plan. Areas/ecosystems not identified in this plan will not necessarily be ignored by the Land Trust, particularly when favorable opportunities are brought to our attention by interested parties. The Land Trust will always consider each area thoroughly and will not turn away meritorious projects, but we will use this plan as a guide to assist us in the evaluation and direction of future conservation opportunities and actions in the County.
Click to view our Conservation Priority Plan.