The Kuulanapo Wetland Preserve
(Pronounced Koo-LAH-nah-poh)
Formerly the Wright-Keithly Preserve, the Kuulanapo Wetland Preserve
is an important part of Big Valley Wetlands Protection Plan.
The Kuulanapo Wetland Preserve is now open for guided walks! See here!
Or call 707-262-0707 or email us at LCLT@LakeCountyLandTrust.org to arrange a visit by appointment. The Kuulanapo Preserve is located at 446 Soda Bay Rd.., in Lakeport, CA. Click for maps below.
The Lake County Land Trust (LCLT), with incredible support from its members and the local community, has been successful in acquiring over 280 acres of wetland, riparian, and oak-woodland in the Big Valley Wetlands Area just south of Lakeport.
Falzone & Pfeiffer inspecting
Falzone & Pfeiffer inspecting
The Pitzer Foundation is funding the construction of two educational platforms on the Preserve. One is on the northeast levee and the other is on the intersection of the northeast and east levees. These will have seating and educational panels and are ideally placed for wildlife viewing.
LCLT is currently proceeding with a project to reconnect 32 acres of historic wetlands to Clear Lake. These wetlands were separated from Clear Lake by a levee approximately 50 years ago. Prior to obtaining permits and environmental clearances, biological studies, wetlands delineation, and cultural resources surveys were completed. The permitting process is underway.
LCLT is working with the Big Valley Band of Pomo Indians and FlowWest on plans to restore Manning Creek and to reconnect it to its historic delta on the Preserve. The plan will optimize water flow for the benefit of Clear Lake hitch spawning.

The Big Valley Wetlands Complex

With an outpouring of community support, LCLT purchased the Wright family ranch and, three years later, the adjacent Keithly family ranch. These properties are part of the CA Department of Fish & Wildlife's Big Valley Conceptual Area Protection Plan, valued as preservation-priority parcels because of their impact on the health of Clear Lake and its watershed. This area has also been identified by community stakeholders in public meetings as the top priority for saving and preserving because of the special qualities found here.
These two LCLT acquisitions are the ancestral home of the Kuulanapo people. Kuulanapo is Pomo for water lily people. To honor this history, the name for this protected land is the Kuulanapo Wetland Preserve. The preserve is as close to the original, natural shoreline as you can get. It's home to black-tailed deer, California quail, wild turkey, raptors, waterfowl such as white pelicans, grebes, black bass, catfish, otter, mink, as well as habitats that support special status species including Clear Lake hitch and western pond turtle. Habitats found on this property range from lake to creek to freshwater marsh and riparian areas, and from pasture to valley oak woodland. There is even a small vernal pool! It's an important conservation project for so many reasons besides how breathtakingly beautiful it is.

LCLT is in the process of surveying and inventorying the Preserve to determine the best way to allow public access and education while at the same time preserving the land, keeping sensitive areas protected, and rehabilitating biomes critical to the health of the lake and other ecosystems. LCLT is working with the Big Valley Band of Pomo Indians on a co-management plan. This plan will enable implementation of traditional ecological knowledge practices, cultural practices, and harvesting of culturally relevant plants by the Big Valley Band of Pomo Indians.
Planning to remove internal fencing and replace failing perimeter fencing and gates is underway. Future plans include walking paths, educational signage along the paths, and possibly a boardwalk over wetland. Discussion of a bridge over Manning Creek is also taking place.