Ways to Support

The Lake County Land Trust is a
charitable nonprofit
and your donations are tax deductible.
Our federal Tax ID No. is 68-0332712.
Click here to see Supporter Benefits
Monthly or One-Time Donation
Monthly giving is an effective way to make a more manageable gift and helps provide stability to make our day to day operations.
We welcome donations by mail:
Lake County Land Trust
P.O. Box 1017
Lakeport, CA 95453
You can also use this donation form to mail in with your check
We welcome dedication donations:
On the online donation form, see the DEDICATION section and select “in honor of” or “in memory of” then in information about your honoree and if desired, supply an address for us to send a card or email notifying someone of your donation.
Other Ways To Give
There can be significant tax advantages for giving appreciated stock as a donation to the Lake County Land Trust, including a contribution of the appreciated value and an avoidance of the gains that would otherwise occur and thus be taxable. Because LCLT is a 501(c)3 organization, any gain in appreciated value would be avoided through the gift of stock. Further, the full value of the stock on the date of contribution can be used as a charitable deduction on your Federal income tax return. In short, your gain becomes a gain for your favorite non-profit organization, while at the same time, you are released from any financial tax obligations. Please consult a tax professional for advice with your specific situation. If you would like to make a contribution of stock to the Lake County Land Trust, please call 707.262.0707, or email LCLT@lakecountylandtrust.org. Thank you for this consideration!
Another way to donate to the Land Trust is through your Required Minimum Distribution (RMD) from your IRA. If you direct some of your RMD withdrawal to the Lake County Land Trust, there is no tax on those funds. Gifting RMD withdrawals to the Land Trust is simple, just notify your financial advisor the amount that you want to give and a check will be sent directly to the Land Trust. The direct transfer from your IRA to the Land Trust is important to receive the tax advantage. If you would like to make a contribution of IRA to the Lake County Land Trust, please call 707.262.0707, or email LCLT@lakecountylandtrust.org. Thank you for this consideration!
LCLT accepts gifts of real property to assist in support of our mission. Lands identified as strategic conservation priorities are accepted as conservation land donations. Other properties may be accepted for their financial value in support of the work of LCLT. If your property is accepted, you could potentially deduct the current market value of your donated property. Significantly reduce your legal and tax liabilities while supporting the mission of LCLT. Ask your tax consultant or attorney for advice specific to your situation. To discuss the criteria that would allow LCLT to accept a donation of real property either for conservation or financial value please contact Lake County Land Trust at LCLT@lakecountylandtrust.org or call 707-262-0707.
Many Lake County Land Trust (LCLT) supporters have chosen to support our mission through planned giving – including LCLT in your will or trust, or making another kind of legacy gift. Their foresight and yours, should you chose to join them, ensures the strength and the sustainability of the Lake County Land Trust. Your planned gift to LCLT will ensure that conservation efforts continue to preserve and enhance vital biodiversity, improve the health of our ancient lake, allow wildlife to flourish, and encourage sustainable economic growth. Whether you are taking those first important steps toward planning your estate or are in the process of updating your estate plan, please consider including the Lake County Land Trust in your plans. If you would like more information about Legacy giving opportunities, please contact the Lake County Land Trust by emailing LCLT@lakecountylandtrust.org, calling (707) 262-0707 or contacting board president, Val Nixon at 4val944@gmail.com.
Explore our volunteer opportunities and select one or maybe a few areas you are interested in helping with at the Lake County Land Trust.

Benefits of being a Supporter by Level of Donation:
Snowy Egret: $20-$99
Acknowledgement on the Land Trust website, updated annually
Bi-Annual Newsletter Mailed to You.
Blue Heron: $100-$499
Invitation to special "State of the Land Trust" member coffee at the Rodman
Slough Preserve Nature
Education Center.
Acknowledgement on Land Trust website, updated annually.
Bi-Annual Newsletter Mailed to You.
Osprey: $500-$999
Guided hike and picnic lunch at a specially featured
Land Trust property.
Invitation to special "State of
the Land Trust" member
coffee at the Rodman
Slough Preserve
Nature Education Center.
Acknowledgement on
Land Trust website,
updated annually.
Bi-Annual Newsletter
Mailed to You.
Golden Eagle: $1,000+
Reserved seating at our
Annual Benefit Dinner.
Guided hike and picnic
lunch at a specially featured
Land Trust property.
Invitation to special "State of
the Land Trust" member
coffee at the Rodman
Slough Preserve
Nature Education Center.
Acknowledgement on
Land Trust website,
updated annually.
Bi-Annual Newsletter
Mailed to You.